Transforming Families International (TFI Inc.) is a non-profit organization committed to providing support and services to families in need. Our mission is to help families overcome challenges and build strong, healthy relationships. We believe that every family deserves a chance to thrive, and we work tirelessly to make that a reality.TFI Inc. was founded by Richard and Juanita Veloz, a passionate marriage advocated for families in crisis. With a team of dedicated professionals, we provide a wide range of services, including counseling, coaching, and financial support. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of families in our community. Join us in our mission to transform families and build a better future for all.

At TFI Inc., we are proud to have a team of skilled and compassionate professionals who are dedicated to our mission. Meet some of the people who make TFI possible:

Richard Veloz is a man focused on the development of individuals and the restoration of families. He obtained his master's degree in Theology and Doctorate from Logos University in Jacksonville, Florida. He also holds certifications from Leadership Management International with John C. Maxwell. Its progression has inspired him to concentrate on Organizational Leadership training for the younger generations. He is the author of numerous publications and manuals. Together with his wife, Juanita Veloz, he founded TFI Inc. to encourage individuals, families, and communities with the tools, knowledge, and skills necessary to overcome obstacles and embrace opportunities.

Juanita Veloz is a compassionate and loving woman towards the women and youths in our community. Her desire is to support women and girls in feeling vibrant, freed, and empowered. She has therefore organized interior healing and personal development programs for women. Juanita along with her husband have devoted their lives to restoring and assisting families in Tijuana and San Diego.

Paola is a young woman who is impassioned about today's youth and families. She obtained a bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Marketing from San Diego State University.
She has devoted her skills and knowledge to assisting Richard and Juanita Veloz in advancing TFI Inc.'s mission to assist in the development of the Tijuana and San Diego communities.